Private Baseball or Softball Sessions

Looking for a more personalized touch? Elevate your game with our exclusive one-on-one and small-group private lessons. Our academy's expert coaches are here to provide personalized, intensive training that hones your skills and takes your performance to the next level. Whether you're seeking individualized attention or prefer the dynamic of a small group setting, our coaches tailor each session to your unique needs and goals. With their guidance, you'll experience rapid improvement in your game, building confidence and reaching your full potential on the field. These private lessons are your opportunity to sharpen your skills, boost your confidence, and stand out as a true athlete.

1 on 1

One athlete and one coach work on the specific goals of that athlete. Packages of five or ten 1-hour sessions are available. Flexible scheduling is available.

Prices vary depending on which coach

Small Groups

One coach and up to 4 athletes work together on the specific goals of the athletes. Packages of five or ten 1-hour sessions are available. Flexible scheduling is available.

Prices Vary depending on coach

**One-time one-hour sessions may be available on a special request basis. Please email Josh at to enquire about a one-time session.